Why is Visibility so Important to Shippers?


For consignees, the rate is much higher when the shipment is delayed than it might be for consumers. Shippers are aware of the high cost of transportation of inventory. Consequently, the supply chain is quite fragile for them. Lean inventories mean that retailers, manufacturers, and others need to know the status of their shipments in order for transactions to move and on schedule. Visibility of their shipments in real-time means that they are more aware of the problem, which allows them to take action faster. Schedules can be adjusted; loading docks can handle a truck that is already there, instead of keeping the berth open for a truck that is three hours late.

In some segments, regulations also play a role. The Food Modernization Safety Act resulted in specific rules on the sanitary transportation of food. These rules, which came into force in 2017, imposed new responsibilities on shippers and carriers to ensure proper temperatures when transporting food within the United States. Food manufacturers and shippers put a lot at stake if refrigerated goods are not maintained within acceptable temperature ranges. They need to know the status of their goods throughout the supply chain.

At Way Cool Trucking we deliver award winning apps that allow drivers to safely focus on their job while at the same time communicate critical shipment information with drivers, dispatcher or customers. Our Full Feature Cloud Suite Streamlines workflow by managing only exceptions. Pinpoints locations of all drivers. Prioritize issue management. Manages accessorials. Coordinates paperwork.

We invite you to journey with us as we keep trucking great and work to enhance the lives of truck drivers across America. It starts by simply downloading the Way Cool Trucking App from either the iPhone app store or google play.
